Thursday, July 14, 2011

2SCS #18-21, p. 182

a. What is the difference between reusing and recycling?
b. Give two examples of each, other than those presented in the textbook.

a. Reusing is the use of the same item multiple times for the same, or different tasks the item is applicable to. Recycling is when an item is reprocessed into a a different item made of parts, or all of the same substances.
Reusing: water bottles, plastic containers, paper.
Recycling: Cans, paper, glass, plastic.

19) In addition to those found in the textbook, list four examples of
a. renewable resources.
b. nonrenewable resources.

a. fertilizer, water, air, soil, water, plants, animals.
b. platinum, gold, silver, petroleum, copper, natural gas, coal.

20) Classify each use as either recycling or reusing:
a. storing water in used juice bottles for an emergency.
b. converting plastic milk containers into fibers used to weave clothing fabric.
c. packing breakable items with shredded newspaper.

a. reusing.
b. recycling.
c. reusing.

21) How would the life cycle of a light bulb compare to that of a newspaper? Consider material sources and disposal and recycling.

Both glass from a light bulb and paper from a newspaper can be recycled. In fact, since paper that is not recycled leaves a high proportion of combustibles as waste, the newspaper can be sent to a waste-to-energy plant to produce energy that can be used to power the light bulb.

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