Monday, June 20, 2011

A.7 #1-7, p.20-21

1) Calculate the total water volume (in liters) used by your household during the three days.

The total water volume used by my household during the three days is 4135.35 liters.

2) How much water (in liters) did one member of your household use, on average, in one day?

On average, one member of my household used 459.48333 liters of water in one day.

3) Compile the answers to Question 2 for all members of your class by creating a histogram.

4) What is the range of the average daily personal water use within your class?

The range is 734 liters.

5) Calculate the mean and median values for the class data. Which do you think is more representative of the data set- the mean or median value? That is, which is a better expression of central tendency for these data?

The mean, or average, is 446 liters. The median is 459 liters. The better expression of central tendency for these data is the mean. The mean is lower than the median. Since our data only shows one extremely high number for water use per person, it is more appropropriate to express a lower central tendency; a closer number to the rest of the values.

6) Compare your answer from Question 2 with the estimated average volume of water, which is 370 L, used daily by each person in the United States. What reasons can you propose to explain any difference between your value and the national average value?

Our class has a higher value than the US average of 370 liters used per person per day. Since we have a large range of 734 liters due to one household with a very high water use per person per day (950 L) and two households with very low water uses per person per day (216 L), our higher average than usual makes sense. Desipte this higer mean, one household in our class had an average per person per day of 363 L, closer to the nation's 370 L average value

7) Which is closer to the nation average (mean) for daily water use per person, your answer to Question 2 or the class average in Question 5? What reasons can you give to explain why that value is closer?

The class average, 446 liters, is closer than my answer to Question 2, (459.48333 liters), to the nation average of 370 L for daily water use per person. I feel as though the average per person in my household per day is higher because of my large garden. My garden is much larger than most, and therefore, uses a lot more water than standard-sized gardens. My garden uses over 2,076 L of water three times a week, with additional, unaccounted for hosing in between. This increases the the average value of water use in my house significantly, and makes it higher than both the class average of 446 L, and the nation average of 370 L per person per day.

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